Thursday, April 5, 2012

Game nite

Wednesday is Game nite. Which means sisters have a chance to host a game for one night for a whole group or groups can participate in. They must be appropriate, simple, and fun! To become a host of game nite you must sign up at least one week prior to the week of your hosting. You get a set time of how long the game is, say like for one hour from 8 until 9 pm. Around 7:30- 50pm you should to demostrate the game for those who don't know how to play so that when eight o'clock comes you can go ahead and start. Partipants do not need to sign up but you do need to come in on time to learn the game so you may have fun inshAllah. Of course make sure you perform your prayers FIRST! Some examples for game ideas are: charades, we're going on a picnic, categories, possibly some acting games, etc. Also it's pizza nite as well only for sisters who that are participating in game nite, everyone else gets something else cooked.

Does anyone remmeber the game Hands down 85? It goes like this: Hands down 85, (clap clap) gonna get it (clap clap), names of (calp clap) *category name* (clap clap) one a piece (clap, clap) no a piece (clap clap) no hesitation (clap clap) no proclamation? (clap clap) *category name* Basically someone starts off, and the line continues, if someone repeats the same word they are out of the game, if they hesitate, they are also out of the game. So for example, the category name is colors. Everyone does a 2 clap beat while ppl are saying a word. So the person who starts off says orange, (clap clap), red, (clap, clap), blue (clap, clap) and so on..then somebody who wasn't listening repeats the word orange is out of the game.


All hostess of game nite will have in general at least four hours to play from 6 pm until 10 pm. Each hostess of the nite will have 30 minutes of playing. Here is the schedule which includes at least up to eight slots so yea, that's a whole lotta fun and pizza!

  1. 6- 6:30pm
  2. 6:30- 7pm
  3. 7- 7:30pm
  4. 7:30-8pm
  5. 8- 8:30pm
  6. 8:30- 9pm
  7. 9-9:30pm
  8. 9:30- 10pm
Of course if we have a small house we may play for two hours, but a bigger house can play all four hours and before you play make sure u have prayed!

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