Friday, April 13, 2012

What should we do with the trash in our rooms?

Ok, yesterday I realized what are we gonna do when garbage day comes? How are we going to gather up all the garbage from room to room? Of course everyone is responsible for their own trash unless you need help you may require assistance. Guests are responsible as well, this is no hotel. So i was thinking like in the evening time someone or early morning before the grabage collector comes, you know how the hotel ppl gather all the garbage in a hotel? Well we can do suttem similiar. We'll need a roller cart of course and we'll each take a turn on rotation of who has trash duty. Make sure you bag up all the trash in your room such as bathroom, room, and feminine pad trash. Other stuff such as personal documents can be shredded and recycled which can be dealt with too, say on wednesdays, we could gather up all the recycled items and someone takes them to the recycling center a group of sisters, also on rotation duty.

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