Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day One Intro (info., screening, paperwork, notification)

As-salaamu alaikum sisters, it is the 1st day for Sisters Sunnah Home for Muslimas and their children to open, of course before it opens its doors there is a process that we must adhere to before providing rooms to our potential sisters. There is paperwork to be filled out and of course a roommate survey to match u up with future roomies, or if u have someone in mind then u guys can skip that part and fill out the other stuff that's important. We will need tax info from everyone that is 18+ and whatnot. Once all the paperwork has been processed you will be notified when of your eligibility to come and stay at SSH by mail,or phone inshallah. You will be given a time, place, and room to meet pack your bags, and try not to bring too much junk either, just bring the neccessary stuff with u and the rest will be discussed when u get to the house.

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