Sunday, April 15, 2012

SSHC: Khyra

Khyra wants her name to be pronounced as Khy-rah. Khy as in shy. Is a khaleeji girl who was mean from KSA. She was also one of the popular girls back at her former private school. Most of the girls loved her style and asking for her autographs. One day coming home from school she was bored. Although I love KSA, I'm ready to get up out of here she said. She would pick on girls who were less fashionable than her. You're nails are so fake. Is that your real hair or is that a wig? Is that a mask, my bad I thought it was your face. Woow, you're make-up looks sooooo bad right now. Why are you crying, is it your mascara bleeding? You have big arms. If I were you i would drop the fork and loose the pounds honey and so on. When a girl asked her for some bus fare Kyra said I don't have any, knowing full well that she rocked designer everything. She usually bought her crew meals like everyday just to show off to everyone else that she was wealthy. She threw sleepovers, parties, and went shopping daily so she would have the best and the rarest of most clothing. She bragged about how she her cousin in UAE could always give her a hook up on the latest designer wear. Most girls were jealous, but Kyra didn't care. She was kinda arrogant too. Her parents spoiled her alot, becuase she was their only child and was very special to them. One day the family home was on fire. Everyone was alive but everything else was burnt crisp. All the fortune was gone and they ate up their insurance, well some of it. Fortunately, Khyra'sparents got jobs in the USA and they flew out there, and since khyra was almost eighteen her parents thought it would be best to start over in a new land all on her own. If there's one thing we have learned from being wealthy is that money doesn't grow on trees said khyra's dad, and that material things will ultimately be destroyed added her mother. Khyra didnt like the way they were talking. Why were they talking this way. So she just had to ask the question. Mom, Dad, what's ging on? dad turned to khyra as he placed his strong hads on her shoulders. Khyra sweetie, me and your mother decided after much deliberation that it's time for you to experience life differently than before. Khyra was confused, What? Mom stepped in and told Khyra. We are very sorry for raising you up spoiled. We didn't teach you alot because we were so caught up in our own lives and spoiling. To make sure you had plenty, and that you would love us and not to harm us or runaway from abandment. Khyra was confused. Anyway, since we cannot afford you me and your mother came up with a plan for you to make it on your own. Dad did his research and told khyra that there is a place that takes care of girls like you in your situation. You get to live together amongst each other, sharing and caring, praying and learning, it's like cooperative living only with muslim females. Oh i must note that khyra and her family are muslims, it's just that they haven't been practing for awhile until that tradegy hit them and they woke up and have to restart themselves over. You may live there until me and your mother can make it and you are welcome to visit. Khyra shedded some tears and hugged her parents. Where will you guys be staying? Mom said, My sister (your aunt lives in america) so we will be staying with her until when can get our own place but being of the age of 18 we thought that being around sisters near or older than you would probably want to be there than with us. Khyra shook her head that's not true mommy. Dad reassured her. Don't worry, there will be a taxi in the morning to come pick you up and you will be starting a new journey. Write often! The next morning khyra got dressed and ready to go to the SSH. Just then a van pulls up with logo SSH. A woman with niqab steps out. It's Sister Shahidah! The one who was abused by her husband but anyway she is the chaffeur of the house, so anywayz she's super nice and give the greetings to khyra's parents and khyra. She hugs khyra and introduces herself.Khyra hugs her parents real tight and runs off into the van. Khyra's parents waves to the sisters as they both drive off into driveway, onto the street and is gone. When she arrives at SSH. Sister Umm Tiara welcomes her with a smile and a bear hug. Khyra is uncomfortable, lol but she takes it. A strange new feeling overcame khyra. Something she is not use too. People being nice to her. She sees the world in a different light, not just in terms of someones value in worth of money nor in popularity but in pureness, she learns this at the SSH.

Additional Info.

Khyra loves KSA and UAE fashion

She is a khaleeji girl




Kee-ra, Kay-rah, kee-kee

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