Monday, May 9, 2011

Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Meetings

If you would like to host a meeting, then the only room for this to be used in the house would be preferly the living room. I think this and maybe the kitchen are the only 2 rooms that everyone can gather at in one place inshallah. All hostess would need to meet in the living room to discuss times and days for their meetings, because as we all know, who wants to be bored all day? There is so much to do. One sister may be the hostess of reading the Qur'an with a few sisters who read and reflect on mondays after dhuhr prayer for at least one hour. That's right, all meetings to start off with will be held for 1 hour only. If you need an extension, you will need to make a request with the assistant housekeeper. Make sure you guys check the prayer schedule and plan your meetings around the times of salaat.

All meetings will be posted on a board near the Living Room to keep people of all the activities and meetings they would like to attend to. Don't make fitna, if you don't want to be there, then don't. Make sure both your rooms + chores have been done first, or if you share the room with someone make sure you guys work an agreement where the duty is split in half and you are still able to accomplish your tasks for the day.

Places that you cannot hold meetings in:

No meetings held in prayer room, that's only for praying.
No meetings in your rooms, that's usually for places to sleep, reflect, privacy, etc.
No meetings in the study room, that's for skool + work related stuff, and usually noise should be kept to a minimum.

You may hold a meeting in the Homeschool (room), but usually that's for parent-teacher one-on-one. An informative update on how their child is doing in the classroom.
You may hold meetings outside, but keep noise to a minimum, and dress properly.

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