Monday, June 6, 2011

Want to donate items to the SSH?

You certainly may...ALL items must be in either: Excellent, acceptable or good condition.

Video games must work, with minor scratches
Bed spreads must be clean

Home Theatre

We watch selected films that we vote on

There is a concession pantry and table to hold food, beverages, and napkins

List of Food: (healthy or low fat)
Pizza (Order/Frozen/Handmade)

List of Beverages: (healthy)
Organic Soda

Insha'Allah we will try and show the same movie 2x during the day
For example: Tommorow is June 7, 2011
according to for my city and state

Dhuhr: 1:23 pm The 1st viewing will be shown after Dhuhr
Asr: 5:09 pm

Asr: 5:09 pm
Maghrib: 8:34 pm The 2nd viewing will be shown after Asr

Before the viewing of each movie there is a standard protocol in which the sister on duty will make announcements, reminders, and rules for the movie viewing.

No cellphones (for emergencies please put it on vibrate)
No talking
Does anyone need to use the bathroom?
Has everyone made their salaat, and that you get rewarded more if you make it on time? (rhetorical)
Don't litter
Don't get too much food/beverage and make wastage

We will have at least 1 intermissions
For 2 hour + movies: 1st 30 minutes
2nd, when it hits the two hour mark

For the one hour + movies: 1st 30 minutes